In the quiet and silence I had a voice and used it

But nobody listened.

it was 2015.

Never mind the warnings or revelations.

Then I got ‘friends’, an ‘audience’ and I found ‘God’

my voice disappeared

it was 2016.

five years later

in the quiet of depression

in the depths of an abyss

I found my writing style

I cultivated my literary voice

in my poetry

my vocals: i sang more

but I lost my voice as a human being

i could not speak up

i await her return

i am here

to hear


baby girl come back

don’t cry

wandering why

I was not comfortable

being seen being heard

because being ignored: was normalcy

a natural state

so the inner silence

became a defiant act

a way to preserve the

air of disregard

that others cruelly inflicted on me for too long

then all eyes on me

and i’m in the centre of a circus

heart bypass

throat chokehold

one hand mine – the other hand yours

i can’t breathe, i can’t breathe

dying breath

and still i can’t speak

not like I used to

not like back then

when you all ignored me

and I had a voice

now you don’t ignore me

and I have to fight for my voice

and my right to exist

and i succumb to the silence

a form of self reliance


one. day. a. whisper.

then a tone

much like mine

from way back in time

when I had a voice

and spoke up, had a choice


it has returned

my one and only voice

that will never be silenced

for that in itself is an act of violence

on a soul of purity

no longer hidden in obscurity.

growing into maturity

once a girl

now a woman

not so sullen


drop the gun

because baby girl has won

and run

to a sunset of serenity

out of this locality

intensity revived

voracity incorporated

her voice back

never to leave.

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